Main Publications
Climate change, demand uncertainty, and firms’ investments: evidence from planned power plants, with Chen Lin and Mike Weisbach
Journal of Finance, forthcoming
Employee board representation and capital investment, with Qinglu Jin, Hui Ma, and Guochang Zhang
Management Science, forthcoming
Employee representation and the manager-to-worker pay ratio, with Chen Lin and Yang Sun
Review of Corporate Finance Studies, forthcoming
Female directors and firm value: new evidence from directors’ deaths, with Daniel Urban
Management Science, 2023
Product price risk and liquidity management: evidence from the electricity industry, with Chen Lin and Mike Weisbach
Management Science, 2021
Is skin in the game a game changer? Evidence from mandatory changes to D&O insurance policies, with Chen Lin, Micah Officer, and Hong Zou
Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2019
Employee representation and financial leverage, with Chen Lin and Yuhai Xuan
Journal of Financial Economics, 2018
Production flexibility, product markets, and capital structure decisions, with Sebastian J. Reinartz
Review of Financial Studies, 2016
Family firms and R&D behavior – New evidence from a large-scale survey, with A.-K. Achleitner, C. Kaserer, and M. Ampenberger.
Research Policy, 2014
The value of financial flexibility and corporate financial policy, with Marc Steffen Rapp and Daniel Urban
Journal of Corporate Finance, 2014
Why do firms (not) hedge? – Novel evidence on cultural influence, with Martin Lievenbrück
Journal of Corporate Finance, 2014
Control considerations, creditor monitoring, and the capital structure of family firms
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2013
Working Papers
Directors’ incentives from potential regulatory penalties: Evidence from their voting, with Wenzhi (Dave) Ding, Chen Lin, and Mike Weisbach, R&R
Does board size matter?, with Dirk Jenter and Daniel Urban (featured on Harvard CG forum), R&R
Within-firm wage inequality and employee incentives, with Daniel Bias, Chen Lin, and Ben Lochner, R&R
Implicit versus explicit contracting in executive compensation for environmental and social performance, with Roni Michaely and Menghan Wang